Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку «Праздники Британии и России»


The Halloween Party


Сцена оформлена соответственно празднику: воздушные шары оранжевого и черного цветов, гирлянды из фигурок летучих мышей и паучков, тыквы со свечками внутри. Перед сценой – стол с глобусом, накрытым черной тканью.

Участники праздника одеты в костюмы чертиков, ведьм, привидений, вампиров.

Звучит музыка, выходят два чертика – ведущие.

Чертик 1:

Halloween is coming.
Who will you meet?

Чертик 2:

I might meet a princess,
Skipping down the street.

Чертик 1:

Halloween is coming.
What will you do?

Чертик 2:

I might go trick-or-treating.
How about you?

Чертик 1:

Halloween is coming.
What will you see?

Чертик 2:

I might see a jack-o’-lantern
Winking at me.

Чертик 1:

Halloween is coming.
What will you be?

Чертик 2:

It’s a secret,
So, wait and see.

Чертик 2 (обращаясь к зрителям): Hello, dear friends. Are you glad to meet today? Yes, and we are glad to see you too. Look, our globe is black. Do you know why? Because evil spirits come out this day and they do many bad things.

Чертик 1: And who remembers what date is today?

Голос из зала: Today is the 31st of October.

Чертик 2: British and Americans celebrate Halloween this day. Do you know the roots of Halloween?

Звучит музыка. Входит привидение.

Привидение 1: I know the roots of Halloween. It originally began with the Celts and their celebration of the end of the Celtic year on November 1st. This date marked the end of the “season of the sun” and the disappearance of the sun god whom they worshipped as winter began. By lighting cooking fires in their homes, the ancient Celts hoped to keep the good luck symbolized by the spirit of the light with them through the winter months.

Чертик 1: Let us light our magic lights and lanterns.

Чертики и привидение зажигают свечи в тыквах под музыку. Привидение уходит.

Чертик 2: But the time passed and the tradition changed. The Romans came to the British Isles…

Входит ведьма. Она рассказывает о влиянии римлян на проведение праздника.

Ведьма 1: The Romans conquered the Celts. Each autumn the Romans honored the dead with a festival. It honored Pomona, their goddess of fruit trees. Pomona was sometimes shown wearing a crown of apples. She was nicknamed the Apple Queen. To thank Pomona for fruits, the Romans set out apples and nuts for her. They also ate apples and nuts. Today, apples and nuts are served at many Halloween parties and people play apple games.

Чертик 1: Well, let us play some apple games.

Ведьма 1: Witches, ghosts and vampires, come out!

Звучит музыка. Вбегают привидения, ведьмы и вампиры, неся с собой реквизит для игр. Гасят свечи в тыквах.

Крики, завывания: No light! No light!

Проводятся игры под музыку.

1игра: В трех, наполненных водой, тазах плавает по яблоку. Трем участникам необходимо как можно быстрее наколоть яблоко на вилку.

Чертик 2: I need three persons. Take a fork and put an apple on it. Start!

2 игра: На веревке подвешаны три яблока. Трем участникам необходимо съесть свое яблоко как можно быстрее.

Чертик 1: I need three persons. Bite an apple without hands. Start!

3 игра: На столе лежат три яблока. Трем участникам необходимо положить по яблоку в миску ложкой без помощи рук.

Чертик 2: I need three persons. Take a spoon and put an apple into a bowl. Start!

После награждения победителей все участники уходят с реквизитом, кроме чертиков и вампира.

Вампир рассказывает о влиянии христианства на языческий праздник Halloween.

Вампир 1: By 600 AD , many Celts had become Christians. The Christian priests made Christian holidays on the same days as old Celtic holidays to replace the Celtic ones. In 609 or 610 AD, the Christians created a new holiday. It was called All Hallows’ Day (today All Saints’ Day).. The night before All Hallows’ Day was called All Hallows’ Eve. After a while, people left off “All” and called it “Hallow Eve”. But they said “Hallow Eve” so fast that it became “Halloween”. The devil replaced Samhain in people’s mind. Also called Satan, the devil is the evil ruler of the Christians’ hell. During the Middle Ages, many Europeans thought that the

devil came up to earth and sent evil spirits up from the hell on Halloween.

Чертик 2: The devil has many servants. Here they are! (зовет) Witches, please, tell us about yourselves and show what you do on Halloween.

Звучит музыка. Выскакивают 6 ведьм.

Ведьма 2:

When the night is as cold as stone,
When lightning severs the sky,
When your blood is chilled to the bone,
That’s the hour when the witches fly.

Ведьма 3:

When the night-owl swoops for the kill,
When there’s death in the fox’s eye,
When the snake is coiled and still,
That’s the hour when the witches fly.

Ведьма 4:

When the nightmare screams in your head,
When you hear a strangled cry,
When you startle awake in your bed,
That’s the hour when the witches fly.

Ведьма 5:

When the sweat collects on your brow,
When the minutes tick slowly by,
When you wish it was then not now,
That’s the hour when the witches fly.

Чертик 1: And now you, ghosts. What can you tell us?

Звучит музыка. “Влетают” 6 привидений.

Привидение 2: Ghosts are really incredible. We have to be seen, to be believed. And the things we get up to! There you are, fast asleep in your bed and dreaming about summer holidays and chocolate pudding, when all of a sudden there’s an icy blast as the sheet is whipped off your bed and somebody says “Boo!” in your ear. How frightful! That’s a ghost all over. But don’t worry, you’ll see through most of us. Spooks are so transparent.

Привидение 3 Стих из 5 класса ин зе дакк дак Вуд…

Чертик 2: Now we’d like to listen to vampires.

Звучит музыка. Выходят 6 вампиров.

Вампир 2:

I don’t believe in werewolves
Or the mummy from the tomb,
I don’t believe in skeletons
In the corner of the room.

Вампир 3:

I don’t believe in lots of things
For now I’m getting older,
But I do believe in vampires
Just tapped me on the shoulder.

Чертик 1: Thank you, witches, ghosts and vampires. And now we shall see who the quickest is among you. Please, come out.

Чертик 2: Take papers and make a mummy. You must wrap a person well and fast. We need three persons.

Под музыку команды заворачивают «мумии» из зрителей.

Чертик 1(обращаясь к победившей команде): You are the winner. The mummy is yours.

Чертик 2: Now let’s see who the cleverest is. There are some English proverbs. (показывая на плакат с пословицами на английском языке) Say their Russian equivalents if you know.

На плакате написаны следующие пословицы:

  1. The devil is not so black as he is painted.
  2. Bad news travels quickly.
  3. Of two evils choose the least.
  4. There is a skeleton in every house.
  5. Blood is thicker than water.
  6. Talk of the devil and he is sure to appear.
  7. Misfortunes never come singly.
  8. After death the doctor.
  9. Let the dead bury their dead.

Чертики помогают делать перевод командам и зрителям:

  1. Не так страшен черт как его малюют.
  2. Худая молва на крыльях летит.
  3. Из двух зол выбирают меньшее.
  1. В семье не без урода. / Сор из избы не выносят.
  2. Кровь не вода. / Свой своему поневоле брат.
  3. Вспомни черта, и он обязательно появится.
  4. Беда никогда не приходит одна.
  5. После драки кулаками не машут.
  6. Кто старое помянет, тому глаз вон.

Чертик 2 (зажигая свечи на торте): Oh, time flies so quickly. Morning has come and it’s time for us to disappear. (уходит).

Звучит музыка. На сцену входят все участники (без костюмов) с листками бумаги в руках, на которых написаны «плохие» слова (cruelty, violence, loneliness, anger, unhappiness, cowardice, illnesses, poverty, crime, etc.).

Чертик 1: I have seen so many evil spirits tonight that we must light the candles. They are afraid of light and can’t do us harm. Let’s leave here all the bad things that are in us or in our lives.

Участники зачитывают каждый свое слово, рвут бумагу, выбрасывают ее и берут зажженную свечу.

Чертик 2 (снимает черную ткань с глобуса): Look! Our planet is green, blue and white again!

Звучит музыка. Участники уходят.


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